Here is the latest set of tunes around which to wrap your soon-to-be-melting-and-dripping-out-of-your-ears-onto-the-floor brain. You will find yourself taken back to the days when garage bands ruled the world of rock & roll with their brand of raw, blues-based songs played dirty & distored & loud & aggressive. You can call it punk, pre-punk, british invasion, rockabilly, etcetera but the name or label matters not (and I know I don't have to tell you that dear reader). You know that its the soul that counts. Bands on this mix don't come from one era, instead they come from bands from the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and present because garage is still alive and flourishing today (The White Stripes are all over the damn place).
The mix starts out with a tune by Link Wray whose Rumble is oft considered to be one of the first garage songs, or at least the first song to use distortion so perfectly. There are a couple songs by Hasil "The Haze" Adkins who is reputed to have created over 9000 songs in the backwoods of West Virgina . I put on a Monks track that is actually used in the movie The Big Lebowski (playing when Walter breaks his piece out on the lanes). The band were a sort of anti-Beatles group made up of American GIs based in Germany during the sixties with music as heavy as the times. Radio Birdman made it on the mix, a band credited as being the first punk band out of Australia. There is a lot more worth mentioning but you gotta get listening.
Download the songs HERE and either burn the songs to a CD or play 'em on your computer. You're going to have to unzip the file, so hopefully you can figure that out.
Here is the track list and a shiiiiiitload of information to go along with it.
Click the Artist's name (the one on the right) to read about the artist.
Click on the track name to read about the album.
1| The Shadow Knows| Link Wray & His Wray Men
2| I Wish You Would| John Hammond
3| Can't You See I Do| The Astronauts
4| Help You Ann| Lyres
5| Little Latin Lupe Lu| Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels
6| Hard Headed Woman| Wanda Jackson
7| Chocolate Milk Honeymoon| Hasil Adkins
8| The Devil's Rumble| Davie Allan & The Arrows
9| Death Cab For Cutie| Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
10| Breathless| Jerry Lee Lewis
11| Caribou| April March
12| Stop & Listen| The Dwarves13| I Hate You| The Monks
14| Roadrunner| The Modern Lovers
15| Super X| Supercharger
16| Descent Into The Maelstrom| Radio Birdman
17| Whittier Blvd| Thee Midniters
18| Scratchy| Davie Allan & The Arrows
19| Mindrocker| Fenwyck
20| Losing Touch With My Mind| Spacemen 3
21| Boo Boo The Cat| Hasil Adkins

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