During the 90's, Jack performed with the psychedelic drone band called Pelt. His solo records demonstrate his superb grasp on composition and finger picking. This is a brand new album only available through Three Lobed's Oscillation III record mailing. The first two tracks are great compositions that showcase Jack's guitar playing while the last track sounds reminds me of Pelt.
"I Do Play Rock and Roll is [Jack's] first complete album of live material." - from the label

Sir Richard Bishop While My Guitar Violently Bleeds (Locust) 2007
"This is an essential document by one of America's most original and inventive unaccompanied guitaristsworking today. While My Guitar Violently Bleeds is a splendid three piece gem in which the good Sir branches out & nods to points west, east & otherworldly. Classic spaghetti western tinged spidery fretwork(“Zurvan”), Fushitsusha style feedback drenched psych decay (“Smashana”) and a brilliant lengthy raga epic (“Mahavidya”) round out the proceedings by the Sun City Girls master musician." - from the label
Check out his radio playlist / live performances on WFMU here
There is also an interesting interview by our friends at Digitalis Industries here

Robbie Basho The Seal Of The Blue Lotus (Takoma) 1965
Robbie Basho probably would have been an excellent blues guitar player, but once he heard the Indian ragas of Ravi Shankar, he was awe struck. He is one of the first American guitar players to so successfully marry his guitar playing with "world music" influences. This is his first album. It is a complex album with a constantly changing mood & rhythm connecting everything together.
more here

John Fahey was the pioneer to use the steel stringed guitar as a solo instrument. His style combines inspiration from all kinds of world music with a love for American folk music & invention. This album was originally recorded in '63 and then mostly rerecorded in '67. The music is grandly emotional & the technique is awe-inspiring. Beautiful compositions.
Fahey's website here

Sandy Bull Fantasias For Guitar & Banjo (Vanguard) 1963
A blending elements of jazz, folk, classical, Indian, and even gospel that is infinitely hypnotic. This is one of my favorite records of all time. The guitar & drums create a haunting rhythm on Blend & Gospel Time that transcends genres. Sandy's Banjo playing is fantastic too. Waaaaay ahead of its time.

Bert Jansch eponymous (Transatlantic) 1965
Bert is a thrilling musician with impeccable taste. Here, his first solo record, Bert plays blues and folk. He reveals his excellent guitar playing, song writing, and vocal ability. Again, the guitar playing blends jazz, folk, and blues to create something psychedelic. He went on to play with the extremely influential Pentangle, a popular Biritish folk/rock band, and continues to put out records to this day.
website here