This is one of those close-to-perfect records that can put everyone listening to it in a great mood and stimulate interesting conversation. Just as easily, Bobb can also put you in a terrible, pessimistic mood if you're at home alone with a six pack of Shlitz and its raining outside. Of course, these are universal signs of a wonderful record.
The effects on the record coupled with Bobb's almost falsetto vocals and the weird field-recording sounds (even a track of silence) creates a completely different world. It isn't really just a psychedelic record or a folk record or anything easily definable...the record succeeds in its striking originality.
Check the record out here
Bobb's myspace page
You can buy the record along with Iron Curtain Innocence (excellent) at Aquarius Records.
Just type bobb trimble in the search box and voila. They've written a nice review too.