What else? Mark was the front man of Devo. He wrote the theme song for The Rugrats. He did the music for Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse. His latest project is doing the music for the sequel to the popular video game The Sims.
"And I just wrote my own five-CD collection. Do you know those organs people used to have in their living rooms, with a beat box and sound effects and organ sounds? They were popular in the ’60s and ’70s. Well, for Royal Tenenbaums, I thought I was going to use some of those synthesizer organs. And these organs, that once cost thousands, you can now buy for $50 or $100 at piano stores like West L.A. Piano. I thought Wes would be interested in that sound, but we ended up not using them. I’ve used them in a couple other movies, but just very short bits so far. But I had the organs because of that, and had been playing them in my studio. And three months ago I started doing stream-of-consciousness Muzak with them, and very rapidly, I had about five-and-a-half hours’ worth of music. So that’s what I am listening to in my car these days. "
So go ahead & check out the five discs. They are a lot of fun. There is something strangely grand about feeling like you are in an elevator for more than five hours.
disc one disc two disc three disc four disc five
here's a little film on Mark
and make sure to stay till the end to learn how to take care of your lawn without getting into a financial hole!